Not only was it the first day of MMO for my youngest, but it was the first night of my co-teaching a Mother's Night Out Group Sewing Lesson. I can tell we are going to have a blast. These ladies are super bright, very quick witted, and really catch on quickly (redundant?). Two are moms who have three children each, two are first time moms with one young toddler each, and one is a young newlywed wanting to conceive soon (please say a little prayer). Just plain wonderful, wonderful women. I can already tell I am going to cry on the last night.
Tonight's class was all about getting used to the machine: what each part is and why it is there, how to thread the machine, how to make a bobbin, what the different basic stitches are, stitch length, stitch width, etc. They even learned how to gather!
We made prayer cards with an image of St. Anne
(Mary's mother, who was a seamstress and is the patron saint of seamstresses) on one side and a prayer for protection on the other (don't want any fingers getting caught under a needle!).
Next week's class will meet at the fabric store. Erm... my favorite place, what about you? I will just have to keep repeating to myself, "not about me, not about me."